

Morning Coffee

  • Media owner Miki
  • Date added
Anna Aspnes
Artplay Palette Gentle Morning Artplay Palette Gentle Morning
12x12 Page FotoBlendz 9 12x12 Page FotoBlendz 9
MultiMedia Birds 1 MultiMedia Birds 1
Rise WordArt Mix 1 Rise WordArt Mix 1
Artplay Palette Across the Miles Artplay Palette Across the Miles

The Process
A solid from APP Gentle Morning was selected as the base of the page. A 12x12 FotoBlendz 9 mask was layered on and resized a bit. The photo was clipped to the mask, duplicated with the blending mode changed to hard light and the opacity reduced. The clock was layered over the coffee cup. The blending mode was changed to color burn (layer mask added and some of the clock was hidden). The clock was duplicated and a shape blur (Filter>Distort>Shape Blur) was created, with the blending mode changed to soft light. The embellsihments were layered on. The MultiMedia Birds 1_1 was added with the blending mode changed to hard light. The foto glows and stain were turned off. The bird was duplicated and the blending mode was changed to color burn with a reduced opacity. Word art was added to complete the page.
Thank you for looking!
Love the clock in the coffee. I'm pretty sure there's one in mine every morning.
The fund is a delightful photo, and I love how you decorated it!
And I love your time-coffee! :-)
Great photo and page, love what you did with the coffee cup, now if I only drank coffee!!!
love your photo. the colors are fantastic and the clock in the coffee is brilliant.
how great is that clock in the coffee.........somehow reminds me of clouds in my coffee and you probably know where that is going since soooo many of your pages get songs stuck in my head.

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Anna Aspnes
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