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Inclement Artplay Palette:
MultiMedia Rain No. 1:
Wild Autumn FotoBlendz No. 1:
Notes on Process:
The rainbow was wide and I couldn't capture the entire width of it on my cellphone. So I had two photos to blendone of each end. I blended the first photo into the artsy paper I had chosen for the background and then struggled to fit in the second photo in a way that felt right. Framing didn't work, nor did blending it into the background. Luckily, I tried the photo with a FotBlendz and liked the results.
I made the rainbow title by using a blocky font and then clipping the rainbow photo to the text, rotating the photo to get the rainbow horizontal. I added the journaling, and then went back into the artplay palette and added in almost all the overlays. I finished with the Multimedia Rain.