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  • Media owner evadraga
  • Date added
I maked this page for the gift to my girlfriend, who is saves, and educates a rescues dogs.

A 12 X 12 Artsy layered template featuring numerous masks designed for use with the clipping mask function or for recoloring in Photoshop, Elements and Paint Shop Pro. All layer styles, masks, frames, brushwork, title and textboxes shown are included. Simply clip your images to the FotoBlendz masks and add your own words.

Anna Aspnes - ArtsyLayered Template No.207 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/Artsy-Layered-Template-No.-207.html
ArtPlay Palette Wild Autumn http://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Wild-Autumn.html
Autumn WordART No.7 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/Autumn-WordART-No.-7.html
Awe,this is beautiful... My grandson works with rescue dogs and my son and sister train dogs,so that makes your layout even more special. Your template works great here!!
Beautiful dog! My son has adopted 3 rescue dogs and a cat. Love how you used the template!
J a biztosat tudni, hogy csak a kutyus elhozhat! ;)
Tndri a kutyus, kedvesek a fotk s ht persze, hogy gynyr az oldal ezzel a csodlatos httrmunkval!
Fabulous page Eva, it looks like a promotional piece for a magazine! Great use of the template!
Stunning use of the template!! That series of photo is awesome and they're perfect for this awesome page!!

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Anna Aspnes
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