

A Walk in the Woods

  • Media owner Miki
  • Date added
Anna Aspnes
Artplay Palette Autumn Rust Artplay Palette Autumn Rust
Urban Stitchez Leaves 2 Urban Stitchez Leaves 2
Autumn WordArt 7 Autumn WordArt 7
Taped Textures 4 Taped Textures 4
12x12 Page FotoBlendz 5 12x12 Page FotoBlendz 5
Artplay Palette Viaggio Artplay Palette Viaggio

The Process
A solid paper from AP Autumn Rust was selected for the base of the page. The photo was process on my iphone apps Snap Seed, then again in Distressed FX achieving two different looks. The sepia toned photo was clipped to a page fotoblendz. The colorful photo was clipped to a duplicate page fotoblendz and resized. The leaves were layered between the two photos with the branch over them. Transfer 7 from the kit was added with the blending mode changed to soft light. An overlay from the kit was added with the stitched leaves above it. Several taped textures were layered onto the page, filled with a white paint and the blending mode changed to overlay. Word art, artstrokes and buttons were added to complete the page.
Thank you for looking!

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Anna Aspnes
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