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ArtsyTransfersWildAutumn *coming soon*
UrbanStitchez9-9 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/UrbanStitchez-No.-9.html
UrbanStitchez6-8 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/UrbanThreadz-No.-6.html
MultiMediaLeaves4-5 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/MultiMedia-Leaves-No.-4.html
MultiMediaLeaves4-2 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/MultiMedia-Leaves-No.-4.html
AppWildAutumn Brush 15 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Wild-Autumn.html
TapedTexture2-4 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/TapedTextures-No.-2.html
WildAutumnFotoBlendz1-4 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/Wild-Autumn-FotoBlendz-No.-1.html

ArstyTransfers WildAutumn
I start with the paper App Wild Autumn SolidPaper 3.
I add the fotoBlendz WildAutumn FotoBlendz1-4
In which I is clipping my photo (center of page)
I create a mask in which I place ArstyTransfers WildAutumn3
I place over MultiMediaLeaves4-5
Then a second mask in which I place ArtsyTransfersWildAutumn5
I place over MultiMediaLeaves4-2
I encrusted TapedTextures4-2
I add the brush App WildAutumn Brush 15 I rejoinder to 47% in soft light.
I added frames.
I align all horizontally
Then I add the UrbanStitchez9-9 an 6-8
Je commence avec le papier de l'App Wild Autumn SolidPaper 3.
J'ajoute le fotoBlendz WildAutumn FotoBlendz1-4
Dans lequel j'crte ma photo (au centre de la page)
Je cre un masque dans lequel je place ArstyTransfers WildAutumn3
Je place par dessus MultiMediaLeaves4-5
Puis un second masque dans lequel je place ArtsyTransfersWildAutumn5
Je place par dessus MultiMediaLeav
WOW : I find this fanstastic !
the idea of the 3 pictures, and the overlapping title is absolutly brilliant !
I am going to put this Layout in my "TO LIFT" drawer
Superbe!! Et j'adore ton utilisation des cadres! Ta photo est top elle se fond parfaitement avec les lments du kit!

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Anna Aspnes
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