Speedbyte no. 25 Pattie Knox
Papers - Retrodiva, Victoria Feemster, Vicki Stegal (Oscraps), J Hosford (Digital Designs), Sande Krieger (2 Peas in a Bucket), Alison Folendore (Scrapbookbytes.com)
Font - Zephyr
Overlay - Atomic Cupcake
Journaling Reads:
This is the man who has loved me for nearly 30 years. He fell in love with me just about the first time he met me back in November of 1976. He tries to put up a tough front to the outside world but hes a softy where Im concerned. He puts me on a pedestal, worships the ground I walk on and considers himself the lucky one in our relationship. After 28 years of marriage, five children and three
grandchildren with this man, I know that I am the lucky one!
-November 2006