

In Her Garden

  • Media owner lkdavis
  • Date added
One never knows what a child might ask...


Anna Aspnes'
Artsy Transfers Grow Fresh (coming Wednesday)
ArtPlay Palette Grow Fresh ArtPlay Palette Grow Fresh
Artsy Layered Template No. 201 Artsy Layered Template No. 201
Simple Fotoblendz No. 1 Simple Fotoblendz No. 1
ArtPlay Palette Hummingbird ArtPlay Palette Hummingbird
ArtsyStains No. 1 ArtsyStains No. 1
SprayPaint No. 2 SprayPaint No. 2
AnnaBlendz Artsy No. 3 AnnaBlendz Artsy No. 3
ScriptTease Nature No. 1 ScriptTease Nature No. 1

Fonts: Adobe Garamond Pro, Very Berry Pro, Ostrich Sans

Process: I generally work in three parts: photo, background and then title and elements. Although, I didnt use all the layers of Annas template, it is the foundation for my page design. I clipped the photo to simple fotoblendz mask_6. Green grass is often difficult to blend into a paper. In this case, I attached a gradient using the color of the paper to tone it down so that it blended into Annas paper_2. The photo is actually placed below the layers of AT Grow Fresh_3, some stains from AT_2 and stains from the ALT. There are 14 layers above the photo but just four layers below it. I grouped all the layers together. I often write the journaling at the beginning of my process because it helps me to create a title. For this page I experimented using my journaling font, a script and a sans serif with a style attached. I added some elements.

Thanks for looking:)
So beautifully designed! I love the way the brushwork carries your eye across the pages! Great tip, using the colored gradient to blend the grass. There's always something new to learn from your process.
Logan's on to something, and not just for the end zone. So often we neglect ourselves in the flurry of documenting everything and everyone else. I keep a digi art journal that more or less tracks my own journey through life--I've often been surprised at how, when I look back, I go "wow, now THAT really makes sense." Having said that, 14 layers above your photo? Cool nugget of info about a GORGEOUS spread. (Love those balloon flowers, too.)
how sweet that Logan feels the garden is your special spot! 14 layers above photo pretty impressive - gorgeous page!

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Anna Aspnes
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