

from mother............

  • Media owner donnagoar
  • Date added
I love the new AP Old Word and new SubtleQuotes Travel. Ive been trying to decorate the walls in my office with a journey related theme and this is another piece of personal ART that will find its way into the creative process. A vintage photo of my mom from back in the 1940s looking very stylish and ready for an adventure somewhere. Love how Annas new kits this week allowed this page to come together and cant wait to include my mom and all my wonderful memories of her into the personal dcor of the room.

Kits by Anna Aspnes
ArtPlay Palette Old World
Artsy Layered Template No. 197
SubtleQuotes Travel
Taped Textures No. 3
UrbanThreadz No. 4 (coming ARTsale 7.1.15)
ArtPlay Find My Way (WordART- love, mother)
ArtPlay Ablaze (edge overlay)

Page Process-
I began with the Artsy LT No. 197. I start by turning off all the LT layers (kind of like working backwards so my head can take on the layers one at a time to see what and where and how I can incorporate the layer or if I decide its not working then simply keep the layer turned off or delete that particular layer and move on to continue playtime..NO stressing allowed!!

I repositioned and resized the fotomasks and frames and clipped the photo to one and a paperie to another.

The photo was duplicated and the pin light blending mode was applied to the duplicated layer. Next a transfer was clipped to this second photo layer and the color blending mode was applied here to create this photo effect of vintage with a touch of style.

Brushes and transfers were clipped to other layers of the LT and were recolored and repositioned.

The SubtleQuotes Travel were randomly placed to become part of the page design.

Multiple Elements were layered up to add visual interest and add dimension across the page without detracting from the photo, but to compliment. To use just a portion of the striped ribbon banner I used the rectangle marquee tool to select the portion of the banner (one ribbon) I wanted and then select the move tool to position and tuck the piece selected where I wanted it. Then hold down the 'ctrl + D' keys to remove the dots around the selected portion of the element piece. Next select the eraser tool and erase any extra on the edges of the element piece you don't want showing. (send me a note if I'm clear as mud and you want more info)

Skribbles make me happy and add more interest to the design. Both Brushes and the UrbanThreadz added to this process. The UrbanThreadz were placed on the frame edges, page edge, and within the clusters are a perfect addition for MessyART designs.

The edge overlay is from AP Ablaze and the soft light blending mode was appled and the opacity decreased.

When my details were complete, I saved the page as a jpeg and then duplicated the page and applied the soft light blending mode which added a slight pop of color and sharpness into the page.

thanks for lookingdonna
Beautiful page and photo of your mother! Love the placement of the subtle quotes!
Wow! Just wow! I love the way the loops and elements pull the eye vertically toward the image. The placement of the script is perfect, and I just love the style & feel of this layout in general. Beautiful job!

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Anna Aspnes
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