

Two by Two

  • Media owner lkdavis
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Anna Aspnes
Artsy Transfers Explore (coming Wednesday)
ArtPlay Palette Explore ArtPlay Palette Explore
MultiMedia Flowers No. 3 MultiMedia Flowers No. 3
Live WordTransfers No. 1 Live WordTransfers No. 1
AnnaBlendz Artsy No. 5 AnnaBlendz Artsy No. 5
Stitched By Anna Threads White No. 1 Stitched By Anna Threads White No. 1
FotoGlows No. 2 FotoGlows No. 2
CoolGlows No. 2 CoolGlows No. 2
ArtPlay Palette Merry Tree ArtPlay Palette Merry Tree (artstroke)

Process: Inspired by the color in this beautiful palette, I began this layout by creating a sketch as explained here here and applied some filters to the photo. Then I stamped brush_1 from the AP twice on a new blank layer to create a mask for my photo. I clipped the layers of my photo to the mask and used AnnaBlendz Artsy No. 5 to adjust the mask. Below the mask I initially placed transfer_7 and transfer_8. I also adjusted the color of transfer_7 with a hue and saturation layer. I attached a layer mask to transfer_8 and used AnnaBlendz Artsy No. 5_8 to blend. I stamped brush_10 on a new layer and placed it between transfer_7 and transfer_8.

Next, I brought in the layers of the .psd Artsy Transfers Explore, placing transfers 1, 4 and 5 above the paper. I moved the artstrokes, textures, splatters and two paint layers above the photo. I attached a layer mask to four layers and again used AnnaBlendz Artsy brushes to adjust. Then I experimented with the layer order of the remaining transfer layers that were below the photo layers and two transfers from the AP. I deleted some layers. A tape from transfer_5 is at the top, then 4 layers from transfer_4, three more layers from transfer 5 and finally 6 layers from transfer_1. The layers below my photo layers were primarily the stains, paint and two transfers as well as another tape and texture. I attached a layer mask to only one of these layers. I also adjust the opacity of some of the layers. I explain the basics of this in a video here.

I finished my journaling and placed overlay_2 on the right side, attaching a mask to erase the stroke. Then I added a title above my journaling, clipped an artsy paper to it and gave it a stroke style. Below my journaling I dragged over the .psd layers of MultiMedia Flowers3_4. I turned off the rope and repositioned the white splatter. I gave the line drawing an embossed style and tucked it behind the title. Finally, to play with the light a little, I added a fotoglow in the top right corner and a cool glow over the water.

Thanks for looking:)
Nice photo, I love the rich colors and the beautiful photo mask you used. This is gonna be such a fabulous album with so many great memories and moments. Would love to see it when it is finished, so you can see all the layouts after each other.
So cool that they are swimming two by two. Love the blending, and the interaction with the textures, stains and splatters. gorgeous layout.
What a perfect photo for these transfers! Love how you put it in the corner. My kind of page!!
I am loving this album, two beautiful pages. Love the rich colours.
Such an amazing photo, wow!! Love the blending and colors! I will have to come back to this page later and see your video, thanks for all your explanations!

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Anna Aspnes
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