

2015May2 Santa Elena Canyon

  • Media owner nancyr
  • Date added
I love Marleen's and Joanie's white space pages so I thought I would give it a try. This is the photo of where the Rio Grande comes out of Santa Elena Canyon. The cliffs are so high - if you were to look really close at the portion of the photo down by the river you will see my friend and since you can't you can imagine just how tall these cliffs are - the right hand side is USA the left is Mexico
Used the following by Anna Aspnes
ArtPlay palette Bask - http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=30884&page=1
Oh Nancy - I love this. Love the yellow artstrokes and the faint colors behind the photo.
Wonderful photo, and beautifully showcased. Your white space is elegant, and blending sublime.
Nancy - you do everything well - White space looks extra good - your page is amazing!!!!!
You might worry you don't get as much on the page when you don't fill it up, but it's a trade to focus on the main subject. I love that you've got two entire countries on one page and thrown in a bonus water feature. Nice use of white space!
Absolutely gorgeous, Nancy! Love how the photo pours out of the frame and the delicate hues of brushwork!

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Anna Aspnes
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