

3D Glasses

  • Media owner tylertooo
  • Date added
Journaling reads: For some reason, both Rachel and Aubrey love to take selfies wearing glasses, but not just any glasses, the biggest and boldest they can find. They obtained a few pair of broken 3D glasses from the local movie theater and LOVE wearing them. I dont really think it is because they make them look more studious, but more because they are so dramatically different than what you would expect them to ever wear - plus they love being different.

Everything by Anna Aspnes:
ArtPlay Palette Whimsy http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=10013553&cat=383&page=1
Play WordART No. 2 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=10013550&cat=383&page=1
UrbanStitchez No. 11 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=10013551&cat=383&page=1
LightLeaks No. 2 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=10013552&cat=383&page=1

The Process: I had been wanting to scrap this photo for some time, and I think this new kit AP Whimsy is a good fit for it. I began with one of the Artsy Paper that just had some tape textures on it. I added the frame and although I dont typically like to do this, I modified its width and height to work for my photo. I began dragging transfers unto the layout, playing around with the arrangement. This helped me decide where to place the photo. I added the WordART, placing it on blend mode divide. To this I added a very large, low opacity shadow to give it a slight amount of extra darkness under the wordart. I have had a photoshop style that creates 3D text for a while, but never used it, and decided it would be perfect for the 3D portion of this. I used a regular font for the word Glasses. I added urban stitches to the bottom of the frame, and then used a straight stitch to the center to the word Glasses. I added a custom shadow and a stroke to this word. With the stitches through the center, I made a feeble attempt at shadowing the word Glasses to make it look like the shadows were right if it were actually stitched to the page. I will have to see if I can find a tutorial somewhere to get better at it if I ever try this again. I added the LightLeaks under the photo area, placing them on blend mode "color burn" to taking some of the textures, and to give the area a tinge of color. I added the journaling, and then added the heart from AP Whimsy, changed its color and added the page info.

One last thing: I am always amazed when I complete a layout how different a page often looks just by changing out the artsy paper base. I usually have 3 or 4 artsy papers that I play around with when I begin my page, and eventually settle in on one. Often times, when finished, I turn on the other papers and am amazed at how different, and wonderful the layout looks with the other papers. I almost changed the layout in the end, but stuck with the original. ;)

Fonts: Heart and Soul, Boho Serif
Thanks for looking ;)
Love the way you stitched down your title and the 3D shadowing, great page Joanie!

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Anna Aspnes
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