


I came upon these photos in an old photo album from aunt Nellie. I think she was making a walk with some friends, aunt Riek and my grandma. There were no notes with the photos so I don't know when and where they were taken and who the other ladies on the photo are.


Anna Aspnes - Artsy Template MultiPack 5 (Digi files ) http://annaaspnes.typepad.com/anna/2015/05/may-2015-digifiles.html

Anna Aspnes - ArtPlay Palette Family - http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=30334
Anna Aspnes - Family WordMix No. 1 - http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=30333
Anna Aspnes - ArtPlay Chevron Sun Fun - http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=30330
Anna Aspnes - ArtsyCameras No. 3 - http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=10012608
Anna Aspnes - ScriptTease Learn No. 1 - http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=28531
Anna Aspnes - Time WordART No. 3 - http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=45069
Anna Aspnes - Remember WordArt 1

Process notes:
I opened template no. 3 from the Template MultiPack 5 and added the ArtsyPaper no. 1 from the Artplay Palette Family. I clipped the Chevron Sun Fun paper to the big paint layer. I dragged my photos onto the layout and clipped them to the photo masks in the template.

I duplicated the photo on the left and placed it in the left corner of my page. I added a layer mask on it and brushed away the parts I didn't want to show with a black brush. I applied the Linear light blending mode with an opacity of 45%.

I duplicated the photo once more and applied the blending mode vivid light, opacity 100 %.

On the template are several paint, stains, and splatters layers. I recolored them all in different colors. I chose/selected the colors from the background paper.
I added an artsy camera, some wordart & wordmix and the scripttease text on my layout. I placed a button on the photo frames and then my layout was finished.
love the different blending effects of the same photo, they look totally different.
Shame you don't know more about this photo, looks like they were choosing a christmas tree?
It looks like they were very good friends. How special to run across old photos -- hopefully someone will be able to fill in the blank. Nice page for great memories.
Beautiful! Love the vintage photo! Wonderful blending and memories!
they are great photos. love how you placed them on the page with the one photo duplicated and blended above the camera. beautiful page!
I love your treatment of the photo in the upper right with the text and artstrokes, and the original repeated in the frame.

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Anna Aspnes
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