


  • Media owner lkdavis
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Anna Aspnes
ArtPlay Palette Sage ArtPlay Palette Sage
Artsy Transfers Sage Artsy Tranfers Sage
ArtPlay Palette Artsy ArtPlay Palette Artsy (paper)
SkinnyLined Overlays No. 4 SkinnyLined Overlays No. 4
DifferentStrokes No. 10 DifferentStrokes No. 10
DifferentStrokes No. 9 Different Strokes No. 9
DifferentStrokes No. 8 DifferentStrokes No. 8

Process: I miss ViVres beautiful artistry in Annas gallery. I thought of one of her layouts link for the photos of the flowers that my DH gave me. He knew just how much I would enjoy photographing them. Hes the most perfect, imperfect man.

I created the photo masks on a new blank document, clipped photos to the two on the left and gave them shadows. I extracted the flowers from the photo on the right using the magic wand and pen tools. I clipped one copy of the extraction to my mask and turned off the other. Below the flowers, I clipped the layers from artsy transfers sage_4 to the mask below my extraction. I then placed the second extraction copy on the left and gave it two shadows, warping the second. Below the flowers, I flipped the artsy transfer and turned off some of the layers. I added transfer_2 from the AP. I placed the skinny lines and masked out the parts I didnt want. I added several different strokes. Finally, I added a title and a little journaling just so Ill remember:)
Gorgeous flowers and gorgeous page! I love your use of the three photos in a row.
your flowers and photos and page are beautiful!
thank goodness for perfectly imperfect husbands :-)
Top-notch photography, cropping, and design! Especially enjoyed your thoughtful journaling. I miss ViVre's art as well...Linda, you have inspired me to spend some time in her gallery.
love the use of those skinny lines and the extraction of the bouquet. Those top photos look like panels on the wall - great 3d effect how you did the shadows

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Anna Aspnes
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