Anna Aspnes
ArtPlay Palette Sage
ArtPlay Palette Sage
Artsy Transfers Sage
Artsy Tranfers Sage
ArtPlay Palette Artsy
ArtPlay Palette Artsy (paper)
SkinnyLined Overlays No. 4
SkinnyLined Overlays No. 4
DifferentStrokes No. 10
DifferentStrokes No. 10
DifferentStrokes No. 9
Different Strokes No. 9
DifferentStrokes No. 8
DifferentStrokes No. 8
Process: I miss ViVres beautiful artistry in Annas gallery. I thought of one of her layouts
link for the photos of the flowers that my DH gave me. He knew just how much I would enjoy photographing them. Hes the most perfect, imperfect man.
I created the photo masks on a new blank document, clipped photos to the two on the left and gave them shadows. I extracted the flowers from the photo on the right using the magic wand and pen tools. I clipped one copy of the extraction to my mask and turned off the other. Below the flowers, I clipped the layers from artsy transfers sage_4 to the mask below my extraction. I then placed the second extraction copy on the left and gave it two shadows, warping the second. Below the flowers, I flipped the artsy transfer and turned off some of the layers. I added transfer_2 from the AP. I placed the skinny lines and masked out the parts I didnt want. I added several different strokes. Finally, I added a title and a little journaling just so Ill remember