

Just Two Photos

  • Media owner lkdavis
  • Date added
Anna Aspnes
Artsy Transfers Document (Available at the Midweek Release)

ArtPlay Palette Document ArtPlay Palette Document
ArtsyTransfers Capture ArtsyTransfers Capture
ArtPlay Palette Capture ArtPlay Capture
ArtPlay Palette Behold ArtPlay Palette Behold
ArtsyCameras No. 3 ArtsyCameras No. 3
FadedWords Photography No. 1 FadedWords Photography No. 1
UrbanStitchez No. 9 UrbanStitchez No. 9
UrbanStitchez No. 8 UrbanStitchez No. 8
UrbanStitchez No. 6 UrbanStitchez No. 6
AnnaBlendz Artsy No. 3 AnnaBlendz Artsy No. 3
AnnaBlendz Artsy No. 4 AnnaBlendz Artsy No. 4
RuledLines No. 1 RuledLines No. 1
ArtPlay Palette Simplicity (paper) ArtPlay Palette Simplicity
ArtPlay Palette Ablaze (staple) ArtPlay Palette Ablaze
ArtPlay Palette Love Story ArtPlay Palette Love Story

Available at the Midweek ArtSale
ArtPlay Palette Traveler ArtPlay Palette Traveler

Font: Century Gothic, Very Berry Pro

Process: This was inspired by isDKs page link, her idea of story telling with photographs, a division between her pages and her asymmetrical design across both pages. In this case I chose to use two photos arranged as a diptych. First I divided my page with a line. Then I dragged the two photos onto my layout and clipped them to the masks for the frames. I converted the photos to black and white and used the layer mask to bring back in the color of the important elements of my photo story. I then began creating an asymmetrical background my photos for a more informal look with the symmetrical placement of my photos. On the left I placed transfer_2 from AP Capture and masked out the parts I didnt want. I placed all the layers from AT Capture_5, recolored the paint and changed the blend modes as needed. I shifted the position of the artstroke. Then below that I dragged in the layers from AT Document_1. I moved the artstroke to the top. I placed layers from AT Document_1 and 5 on the right, deleting most of the textures so that only some paint, a transfer, the text and stains remained. I added layer masks to blend the pieces together. I did quite a lot of rearranging on the right side with the ATs. I stapled my favorite little camera charm on the left photo and recolored the ribbon. I added some urban stitchez, a label and a little heart bead.
I like the pulled through color, too. Plus your camera hanging on it's pink ribbon .... you seem to be enjoying your class. Good for you.
Love the selective coloring! Wonderful page of your granddaughter!

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Anna Aspnes
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