


  • Media owner Miki
  • Date added
Anna Aspnes
Artplay Palette Capture Artplay Palette Capture
ArtsyCameras 3 ArtsyCameras 3
FadedWords Photography 1 FadedWords Photography 1
Urban Stitchez 9 Urban Stitchez 9
LoopDaLoop Artstrokes 4 LoopDaLoop Artstrokes 4

My granddaughter has become quite good at capturing the perfect selfie!

The Process
I selected artsy paper 3 from the new AP Capture as the base for my page. I then combined several brushes together to create a custom mask and and filled it with white with the blending mode changed to hard light. I clipped the photo to the mask and layered the frame below it. Transfer 1 from AP Capture was layered below the frame. I added an artsy camera and placed another photo over the camera. I added a layer mask to the photo and using a soft brush I rounded out the photo to fit inside the lens opening. Another transfer from the kit was layered over the camera with the blending mode changed to multiply. Brads, word art, buttons, stitches, loops were added to complete the page.
Excellent selfie portrait and I like how you used the camera as a frame for the smaller photo.
Miki your layouts are always about the details, this one is no different. So well put together.....love it!
great design- I love the photo in the camera and then the colour applied over part of it.
The selfie generation Lol!!! Gorgeous design and balance to the page and I love the cameras faded into the background!

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Anna Aspnes
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