


  • Media owner zwyck
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ArtsyTransfers BeholdArtsyTransfers Behold by Anna Aspnes
ArtsyStains No 1ArtsyStains No 1 by Anna Aspnes
2015 WordART No 22015 WordART No 2 by Anna Aspnes
Adventure WordTransfers No. 1Adventure WordTransfers No. 1 by Anna Aspnes
ArtPlay Palette BeholdArtPlay Palette Behold by Anna Aspnes

Process: My photo already had a sketch effect when I began with the page. I used two transfers from the ArtsyTransfers Behold. I placed both on the upper side of my page. I moved around the parts of them, deleted some and changed the blend mode for others. I placed my photo side by side to the transfer - ATBehold_1 and set the blend mode to Color Burn and decreased the opacity a bit. I also used the Burn Tool to darken some parts that I thought were to light. I added some adjustment layers for Hue/Saturation to the photo and also one for Levels. I put an overlay set to Soft Light beneath the photo to light it up. I placed some ArtsyStains No 1 on the left side and colored them in to the same colors as the photo. I added an Adventure WordTransfers No. 1 and placed a copy set to blend mode Pin Light over it. I finished the page with the title (2015 WordART No 2) and added adjustment layers for Levels and Curves for it.
Wow I have to say how much I love what you did here..sketch ,title, stains, word transfers... wonderful !!!
Wow, everything fits so well together. Love the sketch effect of the photo and the textures look gorgeous!
Your sketch and recoloring are wonderful! Love the way you used the psd transfers with your photo!

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Anna Aspnes
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