

Rock Climber

  • Media owner Miki
  • Date added
Anna Aspnes
Artplay Palette Memorable Artplay Palette Memorable
MultiMedia Frames 2 MultiMedia Frames
FadedWord Memories 1 FadedWord Memories 1
Artsy Stains 7 Artsy Stains 7
MultiMedia Arrows 1 MultiMedia Arrows 1
Artplay Palette Winter Sunrise (beads)Artplay Palette Winter Sunrise
Artplay Palette Vivacity (label word) Artplay Palette Vivacity
Artplay Palette Wilderness (label word) Artplay Palette Wilderness
Urban Stitchez Leaves 1 Urban Stitchez Leaves 1

The Process
I selected solid paper 3 from AP Memorable for the base, layered solid paper 1 over it and changed the blending mode to darken to allow the texture to show through. I selected frame 1 from MultiMedia Frames 2 (hid the smaller frame) and clipped my photo to the photo mask. Next I layered a transfer from AP Memorable under the frame, the branch frame and the stitched leaves below the framed photo. I added several artsy stains and filled them with white and added a photo glow from MultiMedia Frames 2 to add more color. Several brushes and overlays from AP Memorable were added in the lower left corner with a foto glow to give more depth to the color. MultiMedia Arrows, beads, FadedWords Memories 1 were added to complete the page.

fantastic page! love how you used all of the elements to help with the flow and your story.
Wonderful page Miki - I love watching rock climbers, but I would never want to climb myself. I am fine watching.

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Anna Aspnes
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