

Rock Climber

  • Media owner Miki
  • Date added
Anna Aspnes
Artplay Palette Memorable Artplay Palette Memorable
MultiMedia Frames 2 MultiMedia Frames
FadedWord Memories 1 FadedWord Memories 1
Artsy Stains 7 Artsy Stains 7
MultiMedia Arrows 1 MultiMedia Arrows 1
Artplay Palette Winter Sunrise (beads)Artplay Palette Winter Sunrise
Artplay Palette Vivacity (label word) Artplay Palette Vivacity
Artplay Palette Wilderness (label word) Artplay Palette Wilderness
Urban Stitchez Leaves 1 Urban Stitchez Leaves 1

The Process
I selected solid paper 3 from AP Memorable for the base, layered solid paper 1 over it and changed the blending mode to darken to allow the texture to show through. I selected frame 1 from MultiMedia Frames 2 (hid the smaller frame) and clipped my photo to the photo mask. Next I layered a transfer from AP Memorable under the frame, the branch frame and the stitched leaves below the framed photo. I added several artsy stains and filled them with white and added a photo glow from MultiMedia Frames 2 to add more color. Several brushes and overlays from AP Memorable were added in the lower left corner with a foto glow to give more depth to the color. MultiMedia Arrows, beads, FadedWords Memories 1 were added to complete the page.

I look at this and wonder weather I will see him climbing El Capitan or frozen Niagara Falls - I could never do it so I am totally impressed! love the page, love how the triangles go up the page! awesome!
Great composition Miki, love the use of the arrows, the cluster at the bottom of the page and the way you have layered the twig frame behind the Multi-media frame, it's all superb!
Excellent photo and a onderful page. I like how the triangles make you look up.
lovely page. love the colours&brushwork and the leading triangles.

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Anna Aspnes
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