

Old Photos

  • Media owner lkdavis
  • Date added
Inspired by Anna's story/layout Anna's and this grandma wanted to share these old photos and their story with her grandchildren as we approach Halloween.

Anna Aspnes
Artsy Template No. 165 Artsy Layered Template No. 165
ArtPlay Palette Tinge Paperie ArtPlay Palette Tinge Paperie
ArtPlay Palette Tinge Transfers ArtPlay Palette Tinge Transfers
ArtPlay Palette Tinge Elements ArtPlay Palette Tinge Elements
Urban Threadz Framed No. 1 UrbanThreadz Framed No. 1
ArtPlay Palette Vintage Halloween ArtPlay Palette Vintage Halloween
FotoWallets No. 3 FotoWallets No. 3
ArtPlay Palette Fotographie ArtPlay Palette Fotographie
AnnaBlendz No 3 Blending With Brushes AnnaBlendz No. 3

Process: 1. Open Artsy Template No. 165 and drag all the layers onto a new blank file, turning off all but the frames. Adjust and rotate the frames as needed, substituting a frame from FotoWallets. Clip photos to masks. (I changed all the photos, yellowed and multicolored, to black and white and used a glow from the ArtPlay Tinge Elements to give them a tint, making them appear older and blending with them background better.) Add solid paper 3. 2. Place transfers 5 and 7 below the frames, using a brush on a layer mask to blend and reduce the opacity to 75%. 3. Turn on splatters, stains and artstrokes, recoloring and adjusting the blend mode as needed. 4. Add journaling, title, element and staples. Add a color fill adjustment layer to the element and change the blend mode to multiply.
These photographs are priceless Linda and their arrangement and use of colour and texture makes for a stunning page - I keep scrolling up and down...it's gorgeous!!!

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Anna Aspnes
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