


  • Media owner Miki
  • Date added
Anna Aspnes
Artplay Palette Autumn Elegance Artplay Palette Autumn Elegance
Urban Stitchez Pumpkins 1 Urban Stitchez Pumpkins 1
MultiMedia Branches 4 MultiMedia Branches 4
Inked Autumn Words 1 Inked Autumn Words 1
Warm Glows 1 Warm Glows 1

The Process
I began with the selection of a solid background paper from AP Autumn Elegance and layered another paper (paper 4) over it and changed the blending mode to darken so that just the inked edges showed. I clipped my photo to a brush from the kit, duplicated the photo and used the artistic filter underpainting for some textured and changed the blending mode to hard light, reducing the opacity. I layered a frame above the photo. Next I worked on the pumpkins by adding an inverted layer mask (black) and using a soft chalk brush, began painting back in some of the photo. I added a transfer from the kit and changed the blending mode to hard light and reduced the opacity. I duplicated this group 2 more times, changed the direction and size to fill in the page. I finished the page by adding elements, multimedia branches, transfers, stitchez (love the new Urban Stitchez Pumpkins 1!) and word art.

Love the Autumnal/Fall colours in your page Miki and pumpkins for some reason always make me smile, must be that delicious orange colour!
I love your pumpkin page.... its pure perfection!!!! Pumpkins make me smile!!!!
love the pumpkins blended into the background and then the stitched pumpkin overlaid! lovely the way you framed that cute photo!

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Anna Aspnes
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