
Crystal Pier

Crystal Pier

Crystal Pier is a Pier in Pacific Beach area of San Diego. It has cottages built on it giving the guests the experience of sleeping over the ocean. It was built in 1930, and in 1936, a ballroom was opened at the midway of the pier, along with carnival like attractions, but was in use for just a few month. It actually has the ability for cars to drive on the Pier. It has changed hands many times over its history, but has been family run since 1961. Although I have never had the pleasure of staying there, I do think it would make for a great staycation!

Everything by Anna Aspnes:
ArtPlay Palette Beautiful Day http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=10008432&page=1
FotoBlendz Overlays No. 5 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=44065&page=1
Artist Edges No. 6 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=27973&page=1
Artist Edges No. 1 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=27968&page=1
WarmGlows No. 6 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=44535&cat=393&page=1
WaterColor Shells http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=10009164&page=1
SeaSprinklez No. 1 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=44330&page=1

The Process:
I began with the neutral background paper from AP Beautiful Day, chosen for its texture. I added the FotoBlendz, and attached the photo to it. To allow the texture to show through the image, I placed the FotoBlendz on blend mode Vivid Light. I then duplicated the photo attached to this FotoBlendz, and placed the top layer of the photo on blend mode Overlay, bringing down the opacity of that layer to about 25%. I added the WarmGlow at the end of the Pier, and then created a blank layer, a painted in some blue to the water. This layer was placed on blend mode Multiply. I added a multitude of edge overlays, the widest overlay was made the soft blue. I then used a high gausian blur to it, to greatly soften the edges. I then added a thinner edge overlay, changing its color to the soft orange. I placed a few of the transfers from AP Beautiful Day under the fotoblendz that the photographs were attached to, along with some spatters, and scribbles. I chose a wide font Primetime, and changed the tracking to -75, so that the letters began to blend together. I then gave a stroke to the title lettering in a soft blue, and then brought down the font opacity down to just show a slightly darkened area. I placed the water color starfish from WaterColor Shells under the title font, making the starfish a soft aqua. Under the title, I placed the location in the font Sell Your Soul, in a soft tan. I added the SeaSprinklez to finish up the sheet.

Fonts: Primetime, Sell Your Soul
***thanks for looking***
Love the texture and the title work. We walked along that pier on our visit to San Diego......happy memories!
Gorgeous, Joanie! Love how the lights seem to twinkle and the umbrellas are such a vivid blue! Fantastic picture. Will have to tell my son about this place, he moved to southern cal a year ago.
Beautiful! Love the texture and color and how fun would it be to stay there! Great technique for bringing out the colors and texture!

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Anna Aspnes
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