


The king parrots visit from time to time and we leave out seed when they do. Once they get to know you they become very quiet but never stick around for long. We had one that would walk inside the house to find us if we left the door open. The female always leaves it to the male to ask for a feed. She peeks at us over the edge of the roof while she waits.

Anna Aspnes
ArtPlay Palette Wish (paper)
ArtPlay Palette Wilderness (transfers)
ArtPlay Palette Roots (yellow sprig)
Urban Stitchez Leaves
MultiMedia Branches (button)

Thanks for looking!
Beautiful page. I love the template and the colors. We have blue jays that peek over the edge of the roof and sit on the feeder staring into our kitchen when there are no peanuts.
i like how you've positioned the photos at the top of the page and the wonderful color you've achieved.
Ahh, another fellow bird lover. How beautiful is that bird!! Love the photo position and high contrast used. Beautiful!!
I want to see a king parrot! he is gorgeous! love the high contrast and white space! gorgeous page!

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Anna Aspnes
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