

Create Yourself in Color

  • Media owner Miki
  • Date added
Anna Aspnes
Artplay Palette Artsy (new Sep 5)
MultiMedia Art 1 (new Sep 5)
Create WordArt (new Sep 5)
Skribble Blooms 1 Skribble Blooms 1
Watercolor FotoBlendz 1 Watercolor FotoBlendz 1

The Process
I chose a neutral gray for the background paper. I clipped my photo to a watercolor fotoblendz and changed the blending mode of the fotoblendz to hard light to brighten up the photo. Then I placed a frame behind the photo. I added the mutlti media art images (changing the chalk layer to hard light).
I added skribbles, label words, elements, transfers, word art and artstrokes to finish the page.

love the 3 faces in the trangle frame. the photo makes me smile&happy.
Those little smiling faces make me happy just looking at them! :) Great page Miki, the spread of the paint and embellishments moving diagonally across the page makes for a great composition!
Adorable picture, and your blending and framing is just perfect! Love your composition!
Well Miki. I love those three little heads and that triangular frame. This is very special.

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Anna Aspnes
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