
Heather Prins


Anna Aspnes
12 x 12 Page FB No. 612 x 12 Page FB No. 6
Artplay Palette Lush(paper)Artplay Palette Lush
Artplay Palette Saffron Villa(paper) *Free**
Urban Threadz No. 4[url=http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=10009333&page=1]Urban Threadz No. 4

Urban Stitchez no. 5Urban Stitchez no. 5
Urban Stitchez No. 2Urban Stitchez No. 2
Warm Glows No. 1Warm Glows No. 1
Artplay Palette Et Voila(transfer)Artplay Palette Et Voila
Artplay Palette Go See(transfer)Artplay Palette Go See
Artplay Palette Love=Life(heart confetti)
Artplay Palette Why Not(transfer)Artplay Palette Why Not
Artplay Palette Infatuated(Butterfly)Artplay Palette Infatuated
WaterColor PunctuationWaterColor Punctuation
Fairies Imps & ElvesFairies Imps & Elves

The Lilypad-I'll Be There For You

Process | I placed an artsy paper from APP lush as the background and a fotoblendz, slightly reduced in size. I clipped my photo to the fotoblendz, duplicated the photo and changed the blending mode to hard light. I placed a fotoglow between the two photo layers and used the blending mode hard light again. I added another artsy paper this time from app saffron villa to the background layer and used the blending mode multiply to add a bit more depth. I placed a few elements and my title and then it was done.
This is fantastically beautiful and the focal image is so well placed in the overall page, I like the font or title very much as well.

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Anna Aspnes
Added by
Heather Prins
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