My Page 2 - to a double page LO...
This was truly the most amazing field we have ever played on. A farmer had carved out part of his farm field for this bb field - in the middle of nowhere. It was truly a "Field of Dreams". Marshall, Mn. 2014 I am actually using this for the back cover of my shutterfly book and the other page for the front.
Anna Aspnes:
AASPN Baby Template 1B
AASPN; Wordart Moments
Art Plays: Knowledge, StrawberryPreserves, Metrographitti
AASPN; Heartloopdaloop2
AASPN: Sport Word Transfers
The net on the photo was so huge, so to continue the illusion of the net off the page I used the brush on Metro Graphitti and applied it to the background paper, to continue my netting from my photo...
TFL ---