
Heather Prins

Finger Wands

Anna Aspnes
Baby Template Album 1C **coming soon**
Magic Bubble OverlaysMagic Bubble Overlays
Artplay Mini Palette CherishArtplay Mini Palette Cherish
ArtsyKardz Cherish MultipackArtsyKardz Cherish Multipack
ArtsyKardz Summer Days MultipackArtsyKardz Summer Days Multipack
Artplay Palette ShineArtplay Palette Shine
StayCation Word ArtStayCation Word Art

Sahlin Studio-WaterPark

Process | I added an artsy background paper to the template and then clipped my photos to the masks. I placed and recolored word art then switched the blending modes to Multiply. I added a few embellishments to support the theme and my journaling.
I haven't blown bubbles in so long - I guess not since my little one was the age of your little one (how time flies). Love this Heather.
She is so intent on her activities. Love all the tiny embellishments you've added, especial the little lady bug!!
Fun page, Heather!!! Total enjoyment of a simple activity and summertime fun!

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Anna Aspnes
Added by
Heather Prins
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