timounette Jul 4, 2014 wow wow wow ! So pure, so clean, gorgeous photo coors, and design Te voi avec un nouveau Standing O https://ozone.oscraps.com/forum/showpost.php?p=453791&postcount=11
wow wow wow ! So pure, so clean, gorgeous photo coors, and design Te voi avec un nouveau Standing O https://ozone.oscraps.com/forum/showpost.php?p=453791&postcount=11
duzzy64 Jul 4, 2014 Beautiful page, the intense colors of the photo against the background is simply stunning...
judy in SD Jul 4, 2014 Love how you have used the perspective technique. Gloriously beautiful. Congrats on the Standing O, well deserved.
Love how you have used the perspective technique. Gloriously beautiful. Congrats on the Standing O, well deserved.