


Using Anna Aspnes Artplay Palette Splash - Frames
Using Anna Aspnes Artplay Palette Across the Miles.
Using Anna Aspnes Artplay Palette Viaggio - overlay border and cloud elements
Anna Aspnes Melange Fotoblendz #1 - 3

I have used in this LO frames from the new Artplay palette Splash on the focal image,
and I have eliminated with the eraser tool some portions of the frame,
I also changed the color of the frame to black.
I treated the focal image with a filter border edges and a cutout effect.
I placed behind the focal image a fotoblenz that is providing dark shadows and contrasting colors to the focal point.
The background was created using a grey paper from the artplay palette Across the Miles (grey) what is one of my most favorites papers to use on this type pof LO,
this paper has an amazing amount of work imbedded into it and shadows that are seen only when using a layer blend mode.
I added touches of colors with a watercolor brush.
Love your use of black in the image outlines, the frame edges, and surrounding the image itself. Adds drama to the page.
I just love this photo. Such a relationship they have. And how you worked in the light greens.
this is amazing. Fabulous treatment !
I give you a standing O
Love this image, but especially love the new photo of you. Don't know how new it actually is, since I've been out of the gallery for a while doing other things. But I really like this new look. You are just so cute!
So phenomenal! I just love this and am amazed by your talent. Thanks so much for sharing the process because I probably never would have figured it out by just looking at it. :)

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Anna Aspnes
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