


Fotoinspired template pack 2A
APP Wildernis
APP Family (loopdaloop)

Re-Cover is an innovative and ambitious environmental growing project made with rescued willow trees which have been replanted on site. The bio-sculptures will change and grow as the natural boundaries of the structure develop. This project challenges the traditional relationships between ourselves and our environment, and confronts the trees with their own materials. It shows us how biodiversity can work in a very unique way, in a single plant species, the Salix, by bringing together two different art works, and merging them into one living, growing cradle to cradle installation. The trees which are between 80-90 years old, were earmarked for destruction, they were to be uprooted and destroyed. Will Beckers has given the old-timers a unique opportunity at survival and revival, re-shaping their destiny, re-covering them in the very Salix cuttings which they themselves produce and hereby creating a unique environmental bio-diverse growing installation. http://www.willbeckers.com/Re-cover-project.html

Very interesting project, thank you for sharing. Love that top photo which shows the canopy formed by weaving the trees and cuttings. Beautifully done page.
nice page with all the natural colours, oh boy now I know what happens if we don't cut our willows twice a year.
The greens are so lush they draw me in, and the project is very interesting. I love how you placed the green button with the white artstrokes.
what a cool project. it's always nice to read about creative people using their talents to save and make this world a better place.

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Anna Aspnes
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