

Salty Old Men

  • Media owner Miki
  • Date added
Anna Apnes
Artplay Palette Beach (coming soon)
Beach WordArt (coming soon)
Watercolor FotoBlendz 4 (coming soon)
Urban Stitchez 7 Urban Stitchez 7
Artplay Palette Sea Life Artplay Palette Sea Life
Artplay Palette Shine Artplay Palette Shine
Artplay Palette Bask Artplay Palette Bask
Artplay Palette Science Artplay Palette Science
Artplay Palette Get Away Artplay Palette Get Away

The Process
I clipped my photo to a Watercolor FotoBlendz mask (recolored light blue), duplicated my photo and changed the blending mode to hard light and duplicated the photo again and applied a gaussian blur filter (reduced opacity). I added the frames and support elements. For the bottom frame I wanted a darker look, so using the selective tool in the adjustment menu, I increased the neutral tones to the dark side. Again I duplicated my photo and placed it behind the framed photo, applied a layer mask and used a soft brush and hid the edges of the photo. Word art, strokes, overlays and stitches were added.

Thank you so much for the process notes. I had never thought of using a blur as you did here but love how it looks. Your use of white space is great and how you used the two frames and loop da loop to keep the eye centered is fantastic.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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