

It's a beautiful day

  • Media owner casbury
  • Date added
Its a beautiful day

Photo is from a recent trip to Scottsdale, Arizona.
Im a California girl and was glad to see these beautiful green palms
amidst the surrounding brown desert landscape.

Anna Aspnes Designs:
*Coming Friday* ArtPlay Palette Beautiful Day
*Coming Friday* Watercolor Feathers No.1

Also used:
WarmGlows No.1 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=29651&cat=383&page=1
ArtPlay Palette Seafoam (bg paper blended with Beautiful Day paper) http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=27675&cat=383&page=1
ArtPlay Palette OceanCove (transfer) http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=43872&cat=383&page=1

Process: Heres a quick way to create the 'photo out of the frame' effect.
Open and place background paper.
Open and place a psd frame. I like to turn off frame layer and use the mask and shadow layers.
Open and place photo. Duplicate photo and dont forget to lock the two photo layers,
so they move as one when you reposition!
Clip first photo to frame mat and position as desired.
Open and place another photo mask (or brush/transfer) under frame.
Position second photo over mask and clip. This photo will be extending beyond frame.
Play with blending modes of each photo to achieve different results.
Ive also added transfers under and over each photo and adjusted blending modes for varying color effects.
You can also add foto glows at various blending modes for further color highlights.
Experimenting is the fun part!
Simply stunning!!! I had to smile when you mentioned the "brown desert landscape." As a kid, the desert always just seemed ugly & dead to me... Now I love it, and only see the green. Funny to hear someone from another state use the adjective brown to describe the desert. CA is so lush comparitively speaking. Love, love, love the layout!
I just love how the photo bleeds out onto the page and all the colorization. Fantastic!

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Anna Aspnes
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