
The Color of Summer - TaylorMade Challenge

The Color of Summer - TaylorMade Challenge

The Color of Summer
Is bubbles and balls and fresh cut grass.
Flowers and bees and the perfect dress.

I got some great pictures of my niece this weekend. I thought this lent itself well to playing with the color.

Paper: TaylorMade Summer Solace
Brush: Obsidian Dawn SS Swirl Parts
Grunge frame: Computer Tricks for Scrapbookers (Jessica Spragues freebie)
Fonts: BernhardFasD, CK Alis Writing, CK Becky

I really have to find some other grunge frames. I keep using the same one!
Can anyone explain why my three layouts double uploaded? They didn't show up as double uploaded last night. But I did get a message that I had exceeded my six uploads for the day. Now I stop back this morning and they all have double uploads. I'm not sure why. Got any ideas?
oh wow!! this turned out soooooo amaizng! love her little dress... and her hair!!!

also... if you post it to 2 different sections in the gallery, it will show a double post. try only posting it to the Spotlight Gallery... don't worry... it will automatically show up in the Member Gallery and in your personal gallery. :) also... don't forget to post a link to your layouts in the TaylorMade Spotlight Thread... i CERTAINLY don't want to miss any of them and we would LOVE to see the original photos!!! here's the link to the thread:

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