
Danger Baby

Danger Baby

Sometimes I dont know what to make of you little one. I have always talked about what a daredevil you are. I have talked at length to everyone I meet about what a little trouble maker you are. And its obvious that you are lacking the fear gene. But today... today you take the cake! You my little tiny circus star... you ate glass! And oh wait... you liked it! You have always grated your two front teeth. And it has always driven me mad. Today I thought you were going to chip a tooth the way you were going at it. After a particular sickening sound I decided you need to get in big trouble for this behavior. When I scolded you and then inspected your little mouth, (sure I would find chipped teeth) I found pieces of glass. Thats right you found a piece (I am assuming from the glass daddy broke the
other night) and started to chew it. You actually
chewed it into many pieces and we are assuming you ate a bit of it too. I had to take you into emerge. (again) and explain why my sweet faced baby had eaten glass and how she even cried for me to give it back after I carefully pulled the pieces out. You had a slight cut on your lip, that didnt seem to deter your new found taste for the sharp stuff. But otherwise you seemed to be fine. The doctor said you have that look in your eye of one of those kids. What kind she meant I can only assume is the type that regularly gives their mothers heart attacks. The type that needs to hovered over just to keep them alive. The type that will someday be jumping out of airplanes and hanging by your ankles under a bridge. Boy, what a ride you are.. all bundled up into one cute and deceptively
innocent looking little package. But we know better dont we?

Quench paper (clipped the to title) Solar Strawberry
Stuck on you vol.2
Casually blending in paper
Everything available at oscraps.com
*heart attack*
she must have given you one!
Amazing story and someday you
will be glad it's all written down!

Love this adorable face...amazingly cute!
First I am so glad that she is ok, secondly I am laughing so hard because I am so glad that this is not my child. And oooooh my does she so NOT look like the danger child!! Look at that adorable face!!! LOL!!!!
OH my goodness. This is excellent, just perfect! The photo is great, the journaling is so wonderful. The title is great. She is so cute - definitely has a dare devil look in her eyes!
OMG... nicole!! lol!!! do they know her by name at the emerge these days?? does she have a special front row seat in the waiting room yet? lol! bless her heart... and bless yours too!! FABULOUS design, though!!!
NO!!!!!!!!! Nic....I just can't get over how grown up she looks here! Yikes! Where has your baby gone?
I saw this on your blog and I couldn't wait to come comment...first the blending is superb! Second, glass?! If it makes you feel better my son had this horrible habbit of eating hair wherever he found it, so gross!
omg...what a story!!!!
but page is awesome!!!! wonderful design!!!

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