

Gorgeous Roses!

  • Media owner Ann06
  • Date added
Gorgeous Roses!

As some of you have been so encouraging of the techniques I use on my pages
and asked me few times for full tutorials and detail steps,
we have planned with Anna to create specially for you a series of tutorial called "Artsy Composites Techniques",
this particular series will be delivered in Anna's Blog during six (6) different installments with step by steps details and instructions,
in how I make some of my pages and what tricks I learn and I use often.
You can see the full tutorial in Anna's blog.
I hope you like it and let me know if you have any questions,
I am looking forward to your feedback and let me know if you have any particular interest in any effect you may have seen on my pages,
and we will incorporate that as well in the series.
Here is the link for your review on the first part 1 of 6:

Anna Aspnes Artplay Palette Wish!
Anna Aspnes 4 X 6 ArtsyKardz Wish
Anna Aspnes 4 X 6 ArtsyKardz Wish
Oh Ann, this page is a pure delight to me. I'd buy it in a second! Roses are my second hobby. Can't believe the light you captured.

Just quickly glanced at your first tutorial and will study it tomorrow. Many many thanks to both you and Anna. So generous of you to enable us in such a way. It's no small thing. I constantly marvel at the inspiration in the galleries here and all the help available on Oscraps and appreciate all of you. I can hardly draw a rectangle and haven't the first clue about art so need all the help I can get!

Loving it here at the O xx
Awesome awesome awesome....that means I really love this....hee hee....I looked over your tutorial last night. So detailed and helpful.
can't wait to study your tutorial, as I studied your Paddler for the lift. Your work is wonderful and thank you and Anna for bringing us not only wonderful artwork but how to do it! These roses are just gorgeous!
absolutely perfect and yes I do appreciate your blog tutorial, been studying it over and over.....
I love your finished product here, but am confused when I go to the instructions. Are you going to continue with the same project next time? The instructions on the blog do not produce a finished product as I follow them. Am I missing something? It looks to me like you duplicated the original photo in your finished piece, resized it and moved it to the right. Also, on the blog, I don't see that anything was done with the topmost layer, or that any blending was indicated. Sorry if I am being dense.
Correct I have done exactly what you said, merged the image layers first and then duplicated the processed photo layer in order to achieved the finished piece, re-sized it and moved it to the right, (or you could instead merging the layers duplicate all of them by selecting them and then duplicate them) and so on, I did not added that in the tutorial as I thought it may not be necessary in each individual cases, but yes you can do that as well if necessary.
The top layer is only used as a reference point of the true image so I open it or view it when or during the transformation process or in the process as I like to see how the evolution is going, sometimes I realize that in the transformation I am loosing something or colors are too disturbed.
Every technique will be different in the Artsy Composite techniques series, but depending if necessary, I can try to repeat this technique with other examples to illustrate better the process, (already just being asked to do that with other images and see the impact on the technique on different images etc).
Thank you in trying the tutorial. let me know if any other questions please. Ann
Okay. Thanks for the clarification Ann. Here is my attempt:

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Anna Aspnes
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