


  • Media owner pattyanne
  • Date added
Oooo, I love this couple... they getting married next weekend and so, so, so nervous... not scared - but it's just coming down to that time of ENOUGH with the planning, let's get on with our regular life! I took this spur of the moment picture of them after her bridal shower - he showed up afterwards to drive her to her parents home... they are just so cute... loving and ready!
I used the *Beat of my Heart* kit by Royanna Fritschmann at Divine Digital. It's another must have of Royanna's!
This is for the Lifts with A Twist Scraplift.
Thanks for Looking.
becoming one... best wishes to them and love all the pink and hearts! perfect for the pre-wedd couple...
Very cool take on the lift! Love the bright vibrant colors and patterns you used! Very nicely scrapped! And Best Wishes to both of you! :)
Is this THEE Pattyanne?!??!! Wow, fancy "running"into you here, lol. I only posted something here for the first time and was just leaving feedback for someone else when I saw this LO next to theirs and thought, let me take a look at that pretty LO... then I see Pattyanne... and DivineD... so its gotta be you! :D Lol. :D What a beautiful LO! So fun and sweet, I'm sure they'll love it too! Now they're gonna want you to do their wedding album too! Lol. :D I really like how you flipped the bows and used them in a different way for framing. Such a wonderful build-up of elements too! :D

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