
Beauty Inside and Out

Beauty Inside and Out

Everything is from the Naturally Collection by Paint the Moon

Journaling: "My beautiful girl ... my wish is for you to always know that you are more than just a pretty face. You are beautiful on the inside ... where it matters. You are strong - you can do anything you want, my darling! You are kind and gentle spirited. You are funny and vivacious. You are unique and you are very, very loved. I am so proud of the beautiful person you are becoming. If I can see all these gorgeous qualities in you at only 2 years old, just think of the possibilities to come!"

Font: Ali's Writing
Wow, Annie, this is gorgeous!!!! What an amazing photo and the journaling is soooo sweet!!! Stunning!
Annie ... your journaling here is soooo amazing!! :) Your daughter is going to know so much about your true love for her someday ;) LOVE IT!

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