

Finished Deck

  • Media owner janedee
  • Date added
We spent most of the summer getting the deck finished at the cottage! So glad to have it all done!

Credits: Anna Aspnes Artsy Template 80, Art Play Woodland transfer and brad, Kardstock Neutrals 1-7,
Paula Kesselring - Oldies tape measure
I love how flexible Anna's art is...to take something as "real world" as a deck and make it so artsy, and have it work! Gorgeous!
Your deck is wonderful and I bet you will have many lovely days sitting out there in the summer!! Great page!!
What a stunning deck! Looks so relaxing! And what a stunning page as well! I agree with Shari...Anna's stuff was perfect to make an artsy page out of this very real work effort! Nice job!
OMG I've missed this stunning page from you! Great use of the mask, I love the stiches and picture! What a fantastic deck, I wish it was mine, super to sit there in the sun, at breakfast etc. Good luck! A friend of my live also in BC, in Vernon.

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Anna Aspnes
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