
Best Friends Forever

Best Friends Forever

GAH!!!! I'm sooooooooo happy!! I took the kids out to the zoo today. 2 of my DDs, 3 of their cousins and my best friend's DD (in the pic with my youngest, Neiah). We took soooooooo many GREAT photos so it was RREALLLYY hard for me to pick but I chose this one. Aren't they the CUTEST???!!! I let them hang out and do their 'thang' and managed to load my cam up with tons of photos. More to come, that's for sure!! TFL!!!!

"Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend." - Albert Camus

"olivia + neiah best friends forever"

Paislee Press; Papergirl Kit: papers
Paislee Press; Southern Comfort Kit; frame & staples (again LOL...a must-have for me!)
Fei-fei's Stuff; Sundress Kit; messy holes (another must-have!)
Fei-fei's Stuff; Pastelaria Kit: buttons

** all at oscraps.com **

* Font: Bud Easy *
This is definitely a favorite!! Beautifully composed, perfect pic, perfect elements - awesome! I gotta get those messy holes... :)
Pink and green....this is my favorite color combination!
I love the perspective of the photo..
I love their hair blowing in the wind...
I love how they are holding hands!!!
Picture Perfect!
they are oh so cute and so is this LO!!!!!!!!!! And the photo is gorgeous!!! did you take it with your new camera??? eeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!
LOL, no...no new cam yet, Liz! Honestly, I messed around with merging layers and luckily, ended up with this! TFL!!!

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