Journaling: iconic they are. photos of kids learning to ride bikes. you just know theres a metaphor there for life and living it, right? no one expects to get on a bike and stay there on the first go. there are going to be some bumps and bruises along the way, but you get up, get back on, and try again. i know this. i tell it to my kids but i dont always practice it. maybe i need to carry this photo around with me for those days when i am a hypocritethe ones where i think its not worth getting up because im never going to succeed. instead of feeling defeated, i should get back to it and try again. i might even be more convincing when i tell my kids to do the same. yep, kids and bikes, a metaphor for life and parenting.
Anna Aspnes
Artsy Layered Template No.102
MultiMedia Documents No.1
MultiMedia Bicycles No.1
ArtPlay Palette Embrace Life ("make the most of it"
Straight Line Stitched White No.1
ArtPlay Palette Bicycle (yellow button, paper)
ArtPlay Vintage Halloween (striped bg paper)
ArtPlay Palette Achieve (word strips)
Stitched by Anna Circle LoopdaLoops No.1
NoteBook No.1
Thanks for looking
i started with alt no.102. i deleted the small photos and enlarged the large photo mask. i clipped paper from ap bicycle to the layers of the template. after i was done with the template layers i flattened my page (ctrl/alt/shift/e). i placed a new layer under my flattened image (this way i could still see everything i had done but i had not disturbed any of the original layers in case i needed to go back and change something). the next layer was the stripped bg paper from ap halloween. then i dragged two of the psd mm document files on to my bg. i used some of those layers as a mask for my completed template page. i moved some of the mm document layers around a bit (like the bookplate), then added the mm bicycle, the stitching, word strips and journaling. the page need more yellow so i recolored one of the paint layers that comes with the mm document file i used, added a yellow dot using a ps default brush, and the yellow button.