1) I took a photo and a artsy kard. I clipped some layers of the card and I played with blending.
2) I created a new page. I put the photograph in it. Played with filters (Inkt ouline) and blend modi.
3) A painted layer of the 4 x 6 artsycard was clipped to a duplicated photolayer.
4) I copied to 6 x 6 artsy card, created in stage 1) to my canvas. I moved and duplicated the photo layers until I was satisfied.
5) I duplicated the photo and I made it fitting to the background. I used the poster edge on it and set the layer on soft light.
6) Used some transfers. They made the background photo too blurry, I duplicated it and put the layer above the transfer layers
7) Completed the lay out with word art and embellishments
6 x 6 ArtsyKards Tangier *tomorrow in the shop*
4 x 6 Artsykards Tangiers *tomorrow ion the shop*
Dogs no1 * tomorrow in the shop*
App Lush
App Sweet pea
App Crazy Life
App City Limits
Loop da loop artstrokes no 6