DH gave me a hat pin replica of the Berlin Brigade Military Patch. We both served in the Army in the Berlin Brigade. We met while stationed there in the mid 70's. Since this is where we met the pin has special meaning. He also commented --to clarify the meaning of this gift from the past--"This is where your road to Motherhood began." Our firstborn child was conceived in Berlin. The other items are gifties from the kids and I also talked with them both on the phone.
Credits: All from Scrapbook Bytes
papers- Shelleyrae Cusbert: Hopscotch
torn paper- Shelleyrae Cusbert: Paper Capers 1
border cluster (color tweaked) and wood frame: Shelleyrae Cusbert: Lakehouse
folded ribbon- Shelleyrae Cusbert: Note This (color altered)
frayed fabric patch- Tracey Rennemo: PSP Frayed Brush
Font: CK Script