Vintage Album Collection: Journaling Bits & Pieces Element Pack by Joanne Brisebois
Vintage Album Collection: Starter Pack by Joanne Brisebois
Grungy Paint Alpha by Kitty Designs
when we had to answer the question
if we would be one of the seven
dwarfs, which one would we be, I
first looked up all the describtions
of them and found I looked most like
Grumpy. His describtion was 'He is
perhaps the most capable and competent
of the dwarfs. Perhaps for this reason,
he seems to resent Doc's position as
leader, often doubting Doc's capabilities.
He is also notably annoyed by Dopey's
antics, Bashful's shyness and Sneezy's
nasal explosions. Though stubborn, he has
a compassionate heart as any, though he
rarely admits this. He's also shown to be
intelligent.' Especially the last part I
can relate to, I can be pretty stubborn,
although I'll probably have bits of the
other dwarfs in me too