

Oh - So Very Special

  • Media owner tylertooo
  • Date added
Journaling Reads: Each time I visit my parents, I love to go in search of the big southern homes that I adore. The nearest location happens to be Ozark, Alabama. Their main street in town has some very stately homes, most either lovingly restored, or in the process of restoration. I remember bringing Rachel to this street years ago, and she was bored while I drove down the street, in awe of these beautiful homes. This time I was surprised at her exclamation of Mom, these homes are so beautiful. Cant we take one home with us on the plane? I guess she has matured. I loved this home the most with its intricate details throughout. Now being used as an office and I could tell they were in the process of doing renovation to this home, and this made me very happy.

The Process: Starting with the template, I pulled the photos I wanted to add and started experimenting with which portions of the template other than the photo frames, I wanted to add photos to. I used two large masked areas of the template for photos as well. Patterned paper was applied in the upper right, using a blend mode to darken the colors just a bit. I moved the journaling text to the dark brown areas under the photos, pulling the yellow ochre color from the photos to use as the text color. I added elements in the upper right edge as sell as down by the photos, and added the heart brush as well, changing the color from red to the muted pink. I felt it needed more, so I added a scriptTease edge overlay, leaving it black. The title of the template was Special, but I added the Oh-so very. I felt it was missing something, so I played around with different filters on the large photo of the overlay home, and ended up using Ink Oultine.

All by Anna Aspnes:
Artsy Layered Template No. 88
ArtPlay Palette Traveler http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=33167&page=1
ScriptTease Travel Overlays No. 1 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=33163&page=1
ArtPlay Palette Red White Blue http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=27661&page=1
ArtPlay Palette Gather http://www.oscraps.com/shop/search.php?mode=search&page=1
ArtPlay Palette Love Life http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=29523&page=1
Fonts: Clive Barker and Havlova-Austral
***thanks for looking ***
MANY thanks for sharing your process - I am still learning...and your fonts (I'm a collector)

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Anna Aspnes
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