Credits: Layered template (April 17th-31st 08) and Little Man by Amy Bleser and ScrapApple Week 14 - Memories and From My Notebook {Artist} by Sue Cummings. Font is DJB Nicole by Darcy Baldwin.
Journalling reads:When it comes to scrapbooking about your life, I often struggle with finding the right balance of events and moments. I tend to scrap whichever photographs grab my attention at the time. But there are so many other things that I tend to forget. Like the artwork on the left, we made that together mostly with stuff we had picked up on our trip to the park. We didnt have the camera with us and thought this would be a fun way to remember feeding the ducks. You were so proud of it you took it to nursery with you to show your teacher. The drawing on the right was you trying to copy the car onto your magnetic doodle pad, you erased it right afterwards but I was so proud of you for drawing that all by yourself. Its hard to remember that little things like this are just as important as the day trips out and the photographs of your 1st day at school. Actually they are probably more important because these are the little things that you wont remember when you are older, The drawing will be long gone and the artwork will probably get lost along the way but if I scrap it for you the moment and the memory doesnt have to get lost with them. I want you to have a record of the things we used to do together, who knows maybe one day you will have fun doing these things with your children too.