
"THIS is How You Do It!"

"THIS is How You Do It!"

Hello, Oscrapers, and Happy Thanksgiving to those of you celebrating today!

I am one of those people who decorates for every major holiday, and a few of the minor ones as well. And I don't just decorate, I
d e c o r a t e.
Shopping mall holiday displays have nothing on me! (Mr. Squeak points out that perhaps that this is not a bragging point, but I disagree! :) I should next do a page about the garage storage necessary for handling this particular predilection of mine, but I digress...) The photos on this page only begin to hint at what my house looks like today. This weekend I will take all of this down, and after leaving the shelves and the mantle and the front porch bare for a few days--I don't put up Christmas until the first weekend of December, and Mr. Squeak values a sort of cleansing of the palette between holidays--next weekend I'll fill everything up again with tinsel and Santas and snowmen and reindeer.

The journaling on this page recounts a conversation I had with one of my neighbors, and the page title is my answer to a question she asked of me. She and I couldn't be any more different, although we are great friends. One thing she doesn't get is my unbridled pleasure in decorating my house for various holidays. She's also not a huge fan of Thanksgiving, whereas I adore it, as I do everything about the fall season. Put those two things together, and at this time of year she often looks at me as if I have two heads or something! I note with pleasure and not a small amount of smugness that after seeing my Thanksgiving decorations, she promptly went home to get her camera; she came back and photographed the whole lot. Hmmm, actually perhaps I shouldn't be so smug. Maybe photos of my house are now on some "Fail!" website! :)

Journaling reads:
I dont understand, sniffed my neighbor, when we were talking about decorating for the holidays. Christmas is so soon after Halloween, so who bothers decorating for Thanksgiving? Its all I can do to get a meal together on that day! Besides, I know how to decorate for Halloween, and I know how to decorate for Christmas, but how does one even go about decorating for Thanksgiving?

Seriously? thought I. While its true that I am known to take things to wretched excess, surely I cannot be the only one who thinks Thanksgiving is more than just a buffet on the way to Christmas, that it deserves its own decorations. And so, I invited her over to show her our home, all dressed up with turkeys and pumpkins, scarecrows and twinkle lights, and dont forget the fall flowers in the alligator vase. THIS is how its done, my dear!

Anna Aspnes
Artplay Palette Ablaze (background paper) http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=29044&page=1
Artplay Palette Autumn Crisp http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=27621&page=1
MultiMedia Snowmen No. 1 (transfer) http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=28862&page=1
Thanksgiving WordTransfers No. 1 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=27902&page=1
Painted Multiphoto Single Layer Template No. 4
12x12 Stitched by Anna Borders No. 1 White

Font: Ariel

Thanks for stopping by!
bahahaha!!.... love love LOVE this Shirley... your journaling has me cacking myself, and my hubby's wondering whats the fuss all about.... I wished I was your neighbour.... :)
you are so AWESOME! i love your decorations! especially the alligator vase :) and no holiday is complete without twinkle lights, imo. fab page! looking forward to seeing your house decked out for christmas ... and i'll keep my eyes open for your neighbor's photos on any unflattering website ;-)
Fabulous page! I love that you documented this conversation and your decorations are just gorgeous!
Your fabulous page is featured on the O-blog today...thanks for sharing!

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