


my journaling reads:
I have a LOVE | HATE relationship with this road, the A34 between Abingdon & the Milton Interchange. I love that it means I only have a 15 minute commute into work in the morning. I love that it gives me access to some of the UKs major cities within about an hour of where I live. I love that its dual carriageway all the way, which means that I rarely get stuck behind slow moving vehicles ... but, and its a big BUT ... I hate that on a Friday evening, invariably some numpty has an accident and instead of being home by 5:30pm, its closer to 6:30pm or even 7pm. I hate that the slip lane to join the flow of traffic north-bound, is ridiculously short and you just have to floor it and hope & pray someone lets you in. I hate that the proximity of the road to my home, means that on a the rare occasion where the sun shines and I want to sit in my garden and enjoy it, I can still hear the ever constant rumble of motorbikes, cars, caravans, buses and lorries as they thunder down the A34 at 70mph (or at least, thats what the legal speed limit is supposed to be!)

Thanks for looking.

Everything used - Fei-Fei's Stuff, Tagged - Replay version
(available here at Oscraps)
So - did you take this piccy whilst driving??? I hope not BWAHAHAHAHAH.

Beautiful LO, Sue, lovely kit and awesome shadow work.
Love the vertical-stretched shape of the picture.
And how the h... can you journal so meaningful about just a road in your neighbourhood?!!!!!!!
You are a MASTER of journaling!
A fabulous shot....and I am with Selena...you didn't take this while driving did you?? HEHE and I agree with V too...making such good journaling about a highway, no less!!! WELL DONE!!!!

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