
Look At Us Now

Look At Us Now

The whole family got together for Father's Day and I took pictures of all us couples ... my parents, the five of us siblings and our respective others. It's still rather novel to me to be all coupled up as my last two sisters just got married 6 and 8 months ago. So ... this layout is to kind of reflect that.

It may be a little muddled, but I tried to get all my thoughts out without messing the whole layout up.
The journaling in the corners (text and alpha) say 2 parents, 5 siblings, 10 happy children = 1 big happy family.
The journaling on the ribbons in an alpha says, 'Look At Us Now All Coupled Up.'
And the tab says NOW and the alpha next to that at the end of the chevron arrow says 2012 ...

All that detail for quite a little story, really ...

Anyway ...

I used Pet Parade (great colors) by Wendy Tunison
Template Temptations Vol. 4 by Wendy Tunison
Seaglass Alpha in white and teal by Danielle Young
Wow, you did a fabulous job on those pictures and on this layout.
Love the composition.
Your parents will LOVE to see this!
love this ! awesome photo and love the tilt to the LO
gorgeous colours too and and awesome message of love ... great job !

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