Journaling reads:
Well I'm never able to really think of the years ahead because I'm not good at accepting changes. I know they need to happen and it'll be good when they do, but it still makes me sad. It feels like I'm watching a moive, yet I can't rewind to my favorite part. Like when it's over, I'll be able to stop it and things will still be how they are today......Owen will still be my little man and hel'll still call me his "bestest fwend", and I won't be sitting here in tears thinking of the days when he'll be to big to want to cuddle with me or a hug would make everything all better. It's not ME getting older that I have a problem with, but OWEN getting older that breaks my heart. But i know that no matter how horrible things seem right now, that it WILL get better. There will always be the brighter side to any dark days I have to go through. I've learned in the last 4 years, just how much of a strong woman I really am. I've learned a lot about myself that I never really even knew was there. I don't think if it wasn't for Owen, that I would've realized all this at the point in my life that I needed to the most. I've learned to take what I need and to let the rest just roll right off of me. No need for the rotten things or people in my life. It's my life and I'll live it how I want to......crazy, weird and just plain fun!
-Lauren Grier
-Sequin frame; Wild Thang Collab w/Dani Mogstad
-Metal Strip; Bob and Willis collab w/Mandabean
-Qt girl (ct gift from Lauren)
-Shooting star brush (just need to write my thoughts)
-white paint (stroked)
-Rainbow (yippee skipee)
-Horse shoe (yippe skipee)
-Stitched Heart
-White Stapled Ribbon
-Julie Billingsly
-screw(cause and effect collab w/lauren grier)
-Stars (spin your wheels)
-Label (cause and effect collab w/lauren grier
- Wire bracket (cause and effect collab w/lauren grier)
-Fee Jardin
-White string
-Cloud (diamond rain)
- dandylion (ephemerals I)
- blue butterflies (ephemerals II)
- White/red wing(emphemerals II)
- Y (in the dark)
- e(inky underground)
-a (diddle doodle alpha)
-r (lets polka)
-Doodled Flowers
-Glue blobs
-Staple (grateful 4 u ct appreciation kit)
-Kiss (love actually freebie)
- Heart chain (love actually freebie)
-hearts overlay (love actually freebie)
-L Pike
-Hope clothing Tag (Grateful 4 U ct appreciation kit)
-Page W
-Glitter Flower (grateful 4 u ct appreciation kit)
Amanda Rockwell
-Purple flower (flower punch)
- Green Sequins (lil bunches)
-Denim strip (crushin on my lil man kit)
-Yellow flower (i'm beauty mini kit)
-Doodled Dragon fly (Summer Punch kit)
Paint The Moon
-Blue butterfly wings (oscraps birthday challenge freebie)
-Glitter lace (oscraps birthday challenge freebie)
Danielle Young
-Clover (oscraps March Collab)
Vicki Stegall
-Originality word art (random Goodies 2)
-GlitzClips (Random Goodies 2)
Sweet Genevieve
-Blue S (blue puddles)
Mikkel Paige
-Blue stars (extracted from an element from Dreamy Doodles Freebie)
-Cloud (dreamy Doodles Freebie)
Jaque Larsen
-Alien (space Case)
-Black Puzzle Piece (puzzled)
Katie Hadfield
-Purple Rubber band (rainbow rubberband II)
- purple heart (tiny hearts and flowers)
Amy Martin
-Sequin Strings
Miriam Lima
-Tiny stitch on top (september rain)
-Skull (trick or treats)