
Heather Prins


On Jan 4th, 2006, you became a big sister. It is a role that you take very seriously. You watched excitedly as Chloe took her first breath, all the while capturing the most beautiful pictures with a talent far beyond your years. I am positive that from that very first moment, your bond was formed and you have been an amazing big sister every moment since! I know that you two are going to be inseparable and that she will love you with her whole heart. She will want to be just like you and that is a very good thing, she couldnt have a better role model. I love you Alexa.

Anna Aspnes:
Personalized Frames
Artsykardz Girl CrazeArtsyKardz Girl Craze by Anna Aspnes
Artplay Chevron Girl CrazeArtPlay Chevron Girl Craze by Anna Aspnes
Artplay Palette Sweet BabyArtPlay Palette Sweet Baby by Anna Aspnes
Artplay Solids Sun FunArtPlay Solids Sun Fun by Anna Aspnes
Artplay Palette Girl CrazeArtPlay Palette Girl Craze by Anna Aspnes
Artplay Solids AdventureArtPlay Solids Adventure by Anna Aspnes

Sahlin Studios- ill love you forever
Lauren Reid-Transformers 13 template

Ali Edwards-Sister Word Art
Carina Gardner-paper bits
Karla Dudley-Crazy In Love
I love how you have captured this very special moment! - thanks for sharing! beautiful page!
Just beautiful! Your journalling is so touching and your big blend is wonderful. I love those little clipped photos and elements, too.

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Anna Aspnes
Added by
Heather Prins
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